Monday, May 18, 2020

Analysis Of Garrett Hardins The Tragedy Of The Commons

Garrett Hardin published in Psychology Today in September 1974. This passage is an excerpt from his popular paper â€Å"The Tragedy of the Commons† as a warning that overpopulation was dangerous due to how limited Earth’s resources are. This theory is reflected in Hardin’s thesis that the rich should do nothing to help the people of poor nations and turn away those trying to come in. Hardin used the imagery of a lifeboat almost filled in a sea full of drowning people to pose and answer a single question, â€Å"what should the lifeboat passengers do?† (290). Hardins answer was to defend the boat against all trying to board. If anyone felt guilty about this course of action they should feel free to swap places with a drowning man and give them their†¦show more content†¦By presenting these arguments Hardin lets the reader come to the conclusion on their own, that they could let no one on. The use of the examples, arguments, and metaphors promoted Ha rdin’s purpose well. However, Hardin relied on his metaphor too much. There was a notable lack of sources in Hardin’s paper. By presenting the reader with definite numbers saying that Earth is reaching its limits Hardin could have brought the reader to his conclusion faster. There are a few more additional places Hardin could have presented data from a source. The subject of America’s current energy crisis is touched on briefly if data was included that explained that America was going to go through more energy than it can make soon it would have cemented Hardin’s main point even more. Hardin also mentioned that one-third of the world was rich and two-thirds considerably poor (290), this should have been cited from a reliable source so it sounded more factual and not just an opinion. Although, this did not stop Hardin from proving his thesis. This paper can be an excellent source for anyone researching into how to fight overpopulation. Hardin provides sev eral other viewpoints that show he did not selectively choose evidence or distort it. Hardin proceeds from point to point logically which allowed the reader to comprehend the main idea effortlessly. The author glided to how the people of poorShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Garrett Hardins Tragedy Of The Commons892 Words   |  4 Pagesof the world is growing rapidly, so the question we must ask, are we going to run into a problem where there are too many people in this world and not enough resources to accompany this rapid growth in population? In the article â€Å"Tragedy of the Commons† written by Garrett Hardin, Hardin believes that the population problem cannot be solved in a technical way because the problem involves questions of human freedoms and rights, both of which are issues of morality as opposed to scientific fact. 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